Monday, April 12, 2010

DiDi's dog wash - I give it two stars

It was Sunday morning, a time when all the dogs in town drag their owners over to a place called Swan Pond. It's pretty funny watching the owners as their coffee cups slop all over the place due to SLJ. That's a medical term for severe leash jerking. I keep looking for swans but have yet to see one. I'll keep you posted. I got really muddy. It wasn't my fault, it was Ginger's. She likes to run through water and mud and other yucky stuff. I don't like that (I do but don't tell anyone). I got dirty enough that I was taken to an official dog washing facility. I was pretty good sport about it all. A lot of dirt and grit came flying out from between my toes - even I was impressed. It actually felt pretty nice to get all that gunk off my beautiful, shiny, perfectly curly brown coat. I spent most of the day looking at myself in a big mirror. I am beautiful.

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